Download Qtiplot

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Download Qtiplot

This page is devoted to make Unofficial Builds of Qtiplot for windows available to everyone for free QtiPlot is an open source alternative to Origin and other.

Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://wwworiginlabcom for more information about Origin.

  • Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems
  • Fully Python scriptable
  • OpenGL based 3D plotting
  • Publication quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...)
  • Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system
  • Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files
  • Advanced statistical analysis: Student's t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk)
  • Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
  • Multi-peak fitting with Gaussian, Lorentzian and Psedo-Voigt peak profiles
  • Image analysis tools
  • Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities
  • Interoperability with OriginLab®: full import of Origin projects and export of QtiPlot projects as Origin C files
  • Easy data exchange with Microsoft Excel and main free office suits (LibreOffice and Appache OpenOffice)
  • Import of Matlab files, LabVIEW TDMS files, dBase, MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases
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